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We have a track-record of delivery in a wide-range of industries and both private and public sector. Our unique experience means that our consultants are able to bring experience to bear that is gained from diverse sources.

Julian Benson Associates Ltd are currently supporting TfGM’s development of smart-ticketing capabilities, having previously supported the development of procurement strategies in respect of the £2.8bn bid for Transport Infrastructure improvements in Greater Manchester, including:

  • the ‘big bang’ expansion to the Metrolink Light Rail network;
  • Intelligent Transport Systems;
  • Smart Card Ticketing;
  • Real-Time Passenger information;
  • Heavy Rail;
  • Additional Station and Interchange Infrastructure;
  • Cycling Schemes; and
  • Travel behaviour change initiatives.

Major procurements that have been progressed on behalf of TfGM, subsequent to the bid have included:

  • Smart-Ticketing Systems; ·  
  • Passenger Information Systems (based upon open data standards);
  • Secure Multi-service, ADSL and other network components;
  • Tram Signalling and Management Systems;
  • Electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

Providing leadership to implement changes to global Supply Chain systems, including compliance reporting and integration of global IS systems with external supply chain partners.

Contributing to AZ’s IS Strategy, provided ‘desk based’ analysis of external Pharma Industry market trends and opportunities and leading a business process management and ‘out-sourcing programme’ work stream within Operation’s and Sales and Marketing business areas.

Julian Benson Associates supported AZ’s International Sales and Marketing Organisation in the development of an IS strategy for its marketing companies in the 59 countries that comprise its Middle East and Africa region, which has developed the capability to establish a significant presence in the latest global emerging market.

Additional assignments have been completed to support ‘efficiency and effectiveness’ improvements in IS compliance to remove the cost of waste in unnecessary validation and testing activity for core ‘mission-critical’ IS applications. Our consultants have supported work to develop a toolkit to improve compliance deliverables over project life-cycles.

  Delivered a full supply-chain review of all Supply Chain Processes and Systems.